my fitness blog

**stay motivated with me at my fitness and whole foods blog at lets help each other get into better shape!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

a tri and party #2

last saturday the girls turned two!!! and to celebrate i did a sprint triathlon...
yes even on their birthday its about me.  No it was a tri that was close to our house and just happened to fall on the girls birthday, but it was nice to celebrate being healthy because 2years ago i was re-learning how to walk, and hold things, and climb up stairs, etc.  it was nice to be able to race in honor of myself and the twins.  i did good, spence missed the race because i finished 15min faster than i thought i would! jo and my mom came and surprised me at the race, 
it was so nice hearing them cheer for me!
somehow the only pictures we got of the race was me the morning of with time we'll take some good pictures. 

then after the race we had a family birthday party for the twins.  we put up the bounce house and let the kids go wild!!  

 we had curious george was pretty much impossible to crack open
 grandma great danced with the girls and taught them how to curtsy.

 and of course they enjoyed the suckers more than the cupcakes...and they still
 share just about everything.
 i got them crowns to wear for their special day....they are still a little too young to understand what was happening, but we had a great time celebrating with family.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


we took the girls on a little hike/walk the other day.  and they of course loved it!
Quincy loved it when we would run because then she could bounce up and down, and Tenley would quickly say...all done all done.  she didn't like all the bouncing.

 it was so sweet, spence and i started to hold hands and then Tenley says hands, hands, and grabs Quincy's hand and they held hands the whole time!! my heart melted!
 don't mind my triple chins...but i really wanted to capture the twins and how cute they are.
having twins has its challenges, but the rewards are always worth everything!
oh how i love these girls and this great guy who takes care of all of us!

Friday, April 13, 2012

more easter

 i boiled some eggs for the girls to color...we just used markers i was worried about trying to dye eggs....because i'm sure the only thing that would really get dyed is everything BUT the eggs.  
the girls loved it.

 sunday we headed over to kristie's for a family easter party! we had a blast!
sidewalk chalk, egg walk race, egg hunt, food and more candy!

 each family brought pre-filled eggs to hide....the funny thing is that jo, josh and i, all brought golden eggs filled with a dollar.  we thought we were being so creative but we all did the same thing! 

 there was so much food! look at ms Q belly it couldn't have been more full!
until the cake and candy came out!
 the older cousins were so helpful they helped the twins get any dessert they wanted and
 they loved every bite of it!!  and the frosting mustache too!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter HUNT....springville

 saturday we made our way to springville high school track for an annual easter egg hunt....i was probably more excited than the twins...but easter only comes once a year so you have to party!
 we waited and waited and then finally....

it was go time! the twins did great...of course they would rather just eat the candy right away instead of looking for more, but they had fun!

 us after the race....and yes each kid has at least one...maybe two suckers in their mouth!

 counting the loot!

 and look at these faces...they couldn't be happier with all the candy!

Monday, April 9, 2012


its official...texas will be our new home starting june 20th, we'll be there for at least 3yrs as spence starts residency the final step in becoming a doctor.  he will be working for a major hospital Scott & White in TEMPLE texas which is about 20min south of waco, and an hr north of austin.

Spence is thrilled, as it was his number one choice 
and to actually get placed in your first choice spot is rare.  
I of course am a little selfish because i'm already gloomy with the thought that we'll be moving away again.
it has been so nice being around family, especially now that we have kids, there really isn't anything better than grandma and pappy and all their cousins. 
the good news is that instead of 37hr away from manda now we will be 16hrs away
but now we will be 25hr away from jo....which makes me nervous because i'm such a family person...
but we have done it before so we will have to do it again....
so i'm 60% excited 40% sad.  and each day seems to flip flop.

i never thought i would be a texan...but lets bring it on.  the girls already have their cowboy boots ready and i'm sure they will love it.

who can't love texas when the state mammal is an armadillo!

i made a little candy-gram for show him we are excited for him....its the least i could do!

now the house renting starts so if anyone has any great ideas on where to live in temple texas let us know!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


 spencer had one last test in arizona he had to take before graduation in 2months!! so i tagged along with him so i could visit some really great friends.  we were there a whopping 54hrs the fastest trip in history especially when 20hr was drive time.  and in my travel daze i only walked away with 2 pictures....thats right 2 pictures.
the first day there i caught up with friends from our old neighborhood and ward. these gals are amazing.
they helped me on bedrest, took really good care of  me when i literally couldn't even comb by own hair.  they made me laugh, cry, and help me workout so i could lose all that ding-dong/baby wt. above all they told me i could be a mom of twins....when even i didn't think i could do it.
bellair will always feel like home to me, i have made friends there that i will never forget, true life long friends that have really left a memorable impression on me and my life.
 i am so so bummed that i am so lame and forgot to get one last picture of all of us.

then we hung out with all the med school seriously the saying is true, misery loves company or i think misery just loves understanding and sympathy.  through the last 4yrs we wives have all been there as each of us have had babies, lost family members, passed and failed test, you name it.  these women are some of the strongest and self-less women i have ever met.  i am so glad that we have all hung in there and now we are finally graduating and headed on to residency....
um not so exciting but one more step closer to being done!

spence and i had a great trip. and i know that everyone was bummed we left the twinners at home...but you can see how cute they are on the blog.  thanks again for everyone taking time to see us, and to ty and ash for letting us crash at there house. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

a day in the life!

 our days around here seem to be all the same...full of fun.
laundry that everyone wants to help with.
 look at that wedgy!
 taking turns playing with toys.
 playing with our cousins....yes one morning i was a grateful mom of 5 children all under the age of 4...
and i survived and so did was actually really fun.
 this is what tenley says to me daily.  "outside? yes? go? yes? outside? coats? yes? ok?
she is so sweet and her little voice always melts my heart so normally i say....yes yes yes good idea.
 we got the best hand me down swing set from manda and the girls love it.  
quincy takes after her name sake jo-jo and can swing all day long.

 our days are fun, and we do everything together...everything.  most the time its ok, but sometimes its like we have 2 almost 2 year olds running around teasing each other.
 peek-a-boo tenley loves putting on clothes and especially loves taking them off.