my fitness blog

**stay motivated with me at my fitness and whole foods blog at lets help each other get into better shape!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!! So its a week into the new year and i've done great with my resolutions for feeling fine in '09!! How bout everyone else???

1. Be like Heather (in more way than one) and only eat sweets on the weekends...its killing me but saturday is only 2 days away!
2. Enjoy working out!!! I work out but this year i'm going to enjoy it!! sometimes I just forget how much i love running, how much i love being all sweaty ang gross. 5xtimes a week baby!!
3. Eat only my weight watchers points and no more. I can't believe how hard this is...i like oprah have fallen off the wagon and it is really hard to get back on....but i'm on so i'm staying on.
4. Become more my scriptures, and listen when people well when spencer least i'm being honest.
5. Train for and do well in the sherock tri here in AZ with my 2 sisters....i didn't do any tri's last year...and i'm not going to make that mistake twice.
6. Be the best wife I can be every day...and all day.
7. Make sure my family knows I love them and would do anything for them!
8. Don't get too worked up about the stress and lack of time medical students have!...this is the hard one.
---and i think thats about it....what are yours??

ps i'm really not an oprah wathcer...but i think everyone should watch her episode she had on monday it was real honest and bob greene asked some questions that i really needed to answer so i can have my best life!


Unknown said...

Yay an update!!! I'm such a loser and a blog stalker...I've been checking your block almost daily for an update!! haha! it was so fun to have you guys in alamosa. it will probably be a while until we are all in a-town again! i'm glad you were able to see you fam too, afterall, we've hogged you the last three christmas's! Your new year's resolutions are awesome, and you will rock 'em! miss you guys:)

The Brown's said...

good resolutions car!!!

Cyndi said...

Great New Years resolutions. Hard are brave. Sugar would be tough for me. That means I need to do it. You inspire me.

We all know you love Oprah. :)

Mine are:
1. Only make homemade gifts this year.
2. Don't spank my children. Doesn't that sound so aweful? I spanked them a few weeks ago, I felt so bad. It was the worse feeling. It's hard to know what to do for punishment when the timeout doesn't work.
Oh Car, thanks for listening. I am totally rambling. Hey, what's up with our high school reunion? We are coming to Utah in July, I hope it is in July.