The countdown has begun and actually, it's pretty much over. For the past two weeks we've been packing our junk into boxes, which is more than I thought we had, and getting it ready to make the big move to Phoenix. We'll be packing it all into our rental truck saturday and heading out sunday morning at the butt-crack of dawn. I'm super-exited and a little nervous to be starting school again. Carly's exited and nervous to have to leave her oh so close sisters and family. The little bird reached her time to leave the nest, and I'm the one pushing her out. It will also be nice to be able to move into and live in our first home, which we purchased at the end of June and have already made one mortgage payment on. I know, it's awesome to have to pay for the place and not live there. But, we're moving and never coming back to utah!!!!! until thanksgiving, and possibly christmas, or ever other weekend for the first 3 months (for Carly's sake)........... Wish us luck, and sianara to our Provo amigos.