my fitness blog

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

days and days

 the best part of our day is when we go check the mail, and get 'birthday letters' from 
our best pin-pal Pappy.
they aren't really birthday letters but he draws really pretty pictures and has cool stamps so the girls always say, its my birthday so he sent me this!  lucky for us they a have a birthday letter in the mail once a week!
 i'm sure everyone had a great new years eve welcoming in 2013!  which means we only have 2 1/2yrs til we are done with residency!  spence has a had a really really busy january (no brown exaggeration needed). he has been leaving around 4:30-5:30am and getting home around 10:30pm everyday except sat/sun and its more like7-5pm.  definitely exceeding the 90hr wk week limit:) needless to say we have really missed him, but tried to fill our days and nights with activities so we don't miss him too much.
new years eve was no exception spence was on call and at the ER working so i tried to do something fun!
what did i come up with? movie night watching snow white on vhs for the first time! the girls enjoyed it.
 the girls are such good helpers.  pappy got them in the habbit of helping with everything! so they helped me sand down a dresser i found so we can paint it and put in their room!

last saturday night spence was finally home just before bedtime, look how tired everyone is! 
 last week we kept down pouring rain.  it would rain all day and night, i was worried at one point that i missed the note saying to head to noah's boat!
 the rain in arizona during monsoon season has nothing on the storms here in texas.  our back yard literally became a 3ft wide river and a small pond.
since we don't get any snow, i figured we might as well go play in the rain, if you can't stop it, you  might as well join it. so the girls put on their winter snow gear and out we went to run in the rain!  the girls had fun for about 30min and then as wet as little fish, they wanted to go home and get hot cocoa!

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