my fitness blog

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Friday, February 17, 2012

hello world...i need you now...

spence and i actually celebrated valentines day this year, and we did with a BANG!
we splurged and got tickets to lady antebellum and out to eat at crown burger! 
my mom introduced us to the band when she came to visit me while i was on bed we all have a special connection to the group and all the songs, we would sing them to my ever growing
 yet constantly contracting pregnant stomach.
we had a great time in the energy solutions arena (i still call it the delta center) with a sold out crowd and nose bleed seats...but it didn't even matter where we sat the concert was amazing! and yes i had an excuse to wear as much bling as possible.
i was full of so much emotion! i was so happy to be  out in the world having a great time with spence, double dating with my parents, and be so grateful for all that we have.  
i know they say valentines day is for lovers, and it is, but my heart was filled with so much love i teared up several times.  yes, i have become one of those people that cry at just about anything.
i cried during the intermission when the cameras scanned the crowd for people dancing. weird, i know, but i just felt so overwhelmed that i am happy, have a great husband, two beautiful children, 
and that i can laugh and party with the best of them.
we had a great time, and made some wonderful memories!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

valentines, cookies, and everything red!

we had my family over for a valentine party to make valentines for the kemps who are moving to
 south carolina in exactly 1 week. ....i know don't get me started on all the tears i'll shed when
 amanda is literally heart breaking.
we made valentines, ate everything red including: red spagetti sauce, red garlic bread (that looked a little like blood), red punch, red cookies, and red candies galoor!
the twins are really into coloring lately....tenley always wants to color!!
look at those smiles!
the wild group...we had 14 kids and 7 adults all in our quaint little place, it was so fun.
this is what happened when we took tenley's cookie away...don't take candy from a baby....ever!

and this was cookie the kids decorated and ate with pure glee!  i love valentines day...
and excuse to eat cookies is good with me!
thanks to everyone for coming over and making the best valentines party yet.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

run like a girl retreat!!!

 what an amazing weekend we just had.  
probably the most rejuvenation weekend i have had since becoming a mom.  
my sisters, mom and bff of the fam heather, went to st george to participate in my friend amy vellinga's amazing run like a girl retreat weekend.  amy went all out, and had amazing speakers and activities for all us ladies to enjoy. my favorite was pam hansen who wrote 'running with angels' an amazing true story of her loosing two babies, triumphing over her lose and taking control of her weight my walking and then running a marathon....all the while thinking of her small babies she lost, dedicating each run to them. 
 All of us have read her book so we knew we would shed many tears listening to her speak...i had a hard time controlling my emotions and won't forget the amazing opportunity i have had to be a mom, 'i have done hard things, and because of it i am a better mom'.  we were able to grab a picture with pam...i couldn't stop crying, she really is an amazing woman and a great example.
 the celebrities of the event, kristie rosser, lora erickson, sharon starika
these ladies know all about running, triathlons, life, form, nutrition.  it was great to learn from them hands on.
 photo opp by the cactus.  the weather was great!!
 kristie and jo decided to go rogue and run to the start of the race saturday morning....little did they know it was 10miles not 7 so they missed the race but got in a great run and had a good laugh.
 before the race, and yes cute heather with an 'h' would kill me if i posted that she ran this 22wks prego!!
she is we all are!

the rogue runners finally made it to the start....15min late.
 after the run, all of us together!!! mom walked too but had to be the camera woman as always.
it was a great weekend.  we celebrated being women, mothers, sisters and friends.  it was also my mom's birthday so we made sure to celebrate her being our mom and one of our best friends.  
we cried, we laughed, we over ate, and we ran!!! pretty much the best of everything. 
 this weekend had a somber conclusion as amanda and her cute family are moving back to south carolina in 2wks....i can't think about how different everything will be with her gone. 

thanks amy for putting on a great weekend for over 200women, and thanks pappy for watching my girls so i could participate.  and thanks to all the dads that watched our kids so we could relax and enjoy an amazing weekend together.
when i got home today, spence was in a great mood and i told him wow it seems that he got a rejuvenating weekend too....he said, 'of course he was able to spend 2days one-on-one with the babies, and loved every minute'. i'm so lucky to have such a great husband, he really is the best dad out there. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


i never thought i would be this lucky...

Saturday, February 4, 2012


last week spence got off early and it was nice and shiny we hit up the local duck pond.
the girls had fun throwing bread and eating it. when we lived in arizona the duck pond was 2 houses down i think the girls have really missed going to the pond and being outside.

we also visited reese's cat and the girls went wild over the cat.  i can't wait til they are older and we can get a cat all of our own again.
this girl has crazy hair...she is pretty much 'cousin it' when she wakes up in the morning.