my fitness blog

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

happy birthday santa run

the party gang...and the two cutest santas...
 for my birthday this year i invited everyone to run the provo santa 5k run.  we had a blast and it was so fun seeing over 400 people all dressed up as santa running down the street.  jo was a good sport and ran with  me at my super slow pace....i haven't ran since labor day so it was slow and steady for me.  all the kids had so much fun freezin' their buns off and watchin the santas and hiding from the real grinch! 
it was the best birthday present just to run and have fun with the whole family.
afterwords we headed to our house and had some hot cocoa and cinnamon  rolls!
we can't wait to do it again next year!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011


my parents celebrated their 43rd anniversary and to celebrate that took a trip to california and and memory lane, they lived there when they were first married and while my dad was in the service.  they had a great time and i'm so happy they took time to celebrate!! 

 this is thanksgiving day getting all the place setting together, we had a total of 21 adults and 12 kids!  and that is a small number compared to past years.  i can't believe we use to get all together at my mom's old town house...i have no idea how we all fit there. 
 cooking, cooking, cooking!!
 and of course a turkey-trot!! the rossers are super fast, it was so fun seeing all the little kids run 
their hearts out..there is already a lot of trash talk about a rematch at our jingle bells family run on christmas!

 and the feast....the twinners that it was so so, but i loved it, and love amanda's homemade rolls and honeybutter!!  we missed spence, but he was busy in temple texas on-call
 helping all the turkey-bowl victims
 the annual brown bingo was a hit!! it was so fun to even see the twinners excited about the prizes!!
 it has been so nice this year living in Utah and being around for every holiday! this year has really been a roller-coaster but being with family and being able to celebrate has been wonderful

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

what we do..

 sometimes we cry...
 q loves to pose for pictures...doesn't this look a classic first day of school pic...
well it was her first day of nursery. 
 we love rock-a-rockin in grandmas big chair!
 we love hats, and skirts, and dancing, and being wild!!
 we love buggin' fritz...and he secretly loves it too.
 and we love doing the same thing, at the same time, always getting in each other business! what else is a twin sister for than to constantly be in each others face all day long.  

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hap-BEE Halloween 2011

 Its never too late to update your blog halloween was only 2months ago:)
as you can tell the girls were BEES they were so cute, (i wore a bee costume as well so we were a little family of swarming bees.)  thanks kempkuties for the best hand-me-downs in the world!!

 spence made a quick visit for halloween and his birthday while he drove from seatlle to texas so we dressed up and headed to the local payson market for some trunk-o-treating. the girls loved it.  
 then we had our familly halloween party, i love that my family always does a good job of dressin up and getting into costume...we had olive and poppi, penguin and eskimo, ethena and gunman, bees, starwars, cleopatra, snow white, cinderella, tinkerbell, sonny and cher, softball player, witches, little red ridding hood and more!!

 of course the traditional donought bobbing on a string, the twinners loved it.
 we had a lot of food including some ghosts in the graveyard that i made.


 halloween night, we headed to springville for some real action trick-o-treating. the weather was amazing, it reminding me of arizona halloweens.  the girls had fun going from house to house but couldn't resist from eating the candy right at the door!
 and this is what we looked like by the end of the night! tired with our feet up!
need i mention tenley threw up on the way home from all the chocolate.  what a day!!