i can't believe were here already!! 6months old! its so hard to believe that we went from no kids to two all at once, and from two itty bitty tiny babies to two chubby girls growing up so fast and making us laugh so much each day!

remember these days?? oh so sweet. little Q weighin in at a whoopin 4#10 and her older sister a whole pound bigger at 5#11.

back when they could share a crib, side by side,
now they can't even share a room cause they wake each other up.

we have totally joined that group of people that continually say,"they grow up so fast!" and its cause they really do!
look at us now!!

we had our 6month appt on saturday and just like every parent its so fun to see how much they have grown. Tenley naked and all, weighs in at 17lbs 8oz 97% for both ht and wt, not too bad for a babe that started out in life at 20%.

and quincy weighed in at 14lb 8oz 46% for wt and 85%for ht. but again not so bad for a girl who at birth started on the chart at a meager 4%. there is a big difference between them 3lbs exactly, but only a half inch in ht. quincy doesn't really like the bottle at all, spence and i joke that while in the womb she was use to starving and not eating much at all (because of her cord and placenta problems) so she is used to getting by with less, and just hasn't found the joy of eating quite yet. we're hoping when we start eating solids she'll dive right in and eat to her hearts desire.

i can honestly say, these girls make me so happy. and looking at their pictures from birth and the early days makes me realize how crazy all this has been. to be honest the first 3months with the girls were so hard i never thought i would simply be able to just sit back and enjoy them, but i think we have finally made it there.
every night before i go to bed its their sweet faces that pop in my head to help me have sweet dreams, and at the dentist last week when i was getting my face drilled off, it was their faces i pictured to get me through the pain of the dentist, and each morning even when its 5am and i was praying they would sleep til 6a cause i literally just went to bed, i love seeing their sweet faces starring back at me, and somehow they love seeing mine, and their smiles...their smiles can stop traffic lets just say that.

i can't get enough of their naked bums, they are so cute and chubby!!

sunday's are really the one day that all of us get ready, the girls in their best(thanks aunt kristie r. for the outfits) and me somehow finding something that might fit. but we get ready just in time and the girls love seeing all the faces at church, it gets a little crazy sometimes trying to manage two babies at church all by yourself but i have been really lucky to have ladies in relief society help hold a baby, 3hrs of church is hard let alone when you have 2 babies that are tired but you can't hold both of them...i have no idea what i'm going to do when they get more mobile...
start saying a pray for us now:)
we have come so far in just 6months its exciting to think about what the next 6months will bring. but for now i'm going to sit back as much as i can and enjoy them for the wonderful babies they are, and be ever so thankful that they are healthy, strong and simply being babies.