In no particular order (except for #1):
9. Trip to Havasupai, 114 degrees, hiking 30miles with pack while pregnant(but we didn't know it), wild dingos and lots of fun in the sun!
8. SheRock tri, the only race i did in 2009:(
7. Getting hired to do my dream job at 24hr fitness
6. Finished and survived 1st year of medical school
5. Dad recovered from: meningitis, septic staph infection, endocarditis, and open heart surgery all at the same time.
4. Having our car stollen from our drive-way never to been seen again, oh little honda how we miss you:)
3. spence playing Bob Villa and completing the ultimate honey-do list- de-popcorned ceilings, added shelves in the closet, moved/removed cupboards, added recessed lighting
2. Becoming addicting to the TV series LOST
1. discovering we're having twin girls...that are a little too eager to get here:)but we will be making them wait until april whether they like it or not.